Perplexing Chimera is currently getting a redesign for easier navigation and reference. This site is still on hiatus (because we’ve moved our puzzle operations to!), but its archive of puzzles will remain available for anyone who would like to give them a try.
Stuff that’s on the to-do list:
- Change the look of the site – DONE. We’re still fiddling with the settings, but the new design should grant easier access to older puzzles without having to sift through solution posts.
- Make sure all puzzles have a direct link to their solutions – IN THE WORKS. Back when this site was active, no direct links were ever established because solutions came out one week after their original puzzle was posted. Now that we’re archiving everything, a more convenient setup is in order.
- Fix up “broken” puzzles – IN THE WORKS. Several puzzles haven’t aged well, and one or two of them turn out to be outright unsolvable! These puzzles will be overhauled and updated.
- Fix broken images – IN THE WORKS. Changing the site’s design means that there are more than a few images that also need to be fixed – and there are over a hundred posts to check!
- Write more puzzles – REPLY HAZY TRY AGAIN. We want this to happen, but schedules and priorities are a thing, as it turns out!
While renovations are going on, please bear with us! We’ll be stable soon!